Photobiomodulation: A Promising Light in Stroke Recovery

Photobiomodulation: A Promising Light in Stroke Recovery

by Hugh Thomas


 “Fifteen years ago, I suffered a stroke which caused me to lose my speech. Now, what does an actor who can’t talk do? Wait for silent pictures to come back?” Kirk Douglas

An ischemic stroke occurs when blood flow is lost to part of the brain. The brain cells in this region can be deprived of oxygen, and cell injury or cell death may follow. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures. This can cause bleeding and excess pressure and damage to the surrounding cells.[1]

This brain cell damage or cell death can result in problems with vision, memory, language, speaking, motor skills, walking, swallowing, balance, and cognition. Paralysis on either side of the body is a frequent occurrence. The mental and emotional problems can be overwhelming. Depression is common, as is grief, anxiety, anger, and fear. The malady can cause great distress and worry to family and friends. Financial burdens can accumulate.

A stroke can be a devastating and life-altering event. Fortunately, there is hope. A large body of studies show that near-infrared light therapy or photobiomodulation can mitigate stroke damage:

“Photobiomodulation therapy has been investigated in the past few years as an alternative treatment for stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI) in order to promote a neuroprotective effect and tissue regeneration. The main benefits attributed to brain PBM therapy are related to different biological processes such as increasing cerebral metabolic function, stimulating neurogenesis and synaptogenesis, and neuroprotection via anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant biological signaling.”[2]


The reported benefits of near-infrared light therapy are quite remarkable and overarching. Some of these reported benefits include:

Growing new brain cells and new connections (neurogenesis and synaptogenesis)

Several studies have shown that the brain is stimulated to grow new brain cells and make new connections when subjected to near-infrared light: 

“Photobiomodulation therapy promotes neurogenesis by improving post-stroke local microenvironment and stimulating neuroprogenitor cells.”[3]

“Photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy on the brain employs red to near-infrared (NIR) light to treat various neurological and psychological disorders. The mechanism involves the activation of cytochrome c oxidase in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, thereby enhancing ATP synthesis. Additionally, light absorption by ion channels triggers the release of calcium ions, instigating the activation of transcription factors and subsequent gene expression. This cascade of events not only augments neuronal metabolic capacity but also orchestrates antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-apoptotic responses, fostering neurogenesis and synaptogenesis.”[4]

“In addition, photobiomodulation has been reported to influence the global, large-scale networks of the brain. These large-scale networks involve the coordination and intercommunication of a number of different regions of the cortical areas involved in the processing and integration of information that is necessary to generate a number of higher-order cognitive functions, such as perception, attention, memory and emotion.”[5]-[6]

Growing new blood vessels (angiogenesis)

“Photobiomodulation promotes angiogenesis in wound healing through stimulating the nuclear translocation of VEGFR2 and STAT3.”[7]

Neuroprotection. Reducing brain inflammation

“Increasing evidence indicates that mitochondrial fission imbalance plays an important role in delayed neuronal cell death.”[8]

“Studies have shown interesting findings on the anti-inflammatory effects of PBM in various animal models of neurological diseases in different neurological conditions, such as traumatic brain injury, edema formation and hyperalgesia, ischemia, neurodegenerative conditions, aging, and depression."[9]

Improving memory, sleep, mood and cognition

“PBM has been shown to increase regional cerebral blood flow, tissue oxygenation, and improve memory, mood, and cognitive function. Clinical studies have been conducted in patients suffering from the chronic effects of TBI. There have been reports showing improvement in executive function, working memory, and sleep.”[10]
“We suggest that transcranial nocturnal photobiomodulation, by improving brain function at night, will help improve the health and well-being of many individuals, by enhancing the quality of their sleep.”[11]
“Barrett and Gonzalez‐Lima conducted the first controlled study in 40 healthy human participants and demonstrated that transcranial laser stimulation improves cognitive and emotional functions. A subsequent controlled study by Blanco et al. also demonstrated that transcranial laser stimulation with [...] 1,064‐nm laser improves executive functions in healthy human participants.”[12]-[13]-[14]


The evidence is mounting and rapidly accumulating. This evidence shows that: Photobiomodulation offers a scientifically based optimism of a better future for stroke victims.

This article is a result of the dedicated and tireless efforts of researchers in the field of stroke recovery and photobiomodulation. It is important to note that the findings and studies mentioned herein are not a product of Neuronic’s own research, nor were they conducted using our devices. Rather, they represent the broader scientific advancements in the field, underscoring the potential benefits of this innovative therapy.


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About the author: Hugh Thomas is an American horticulturist, professional photographer, freelance writer, and entrepreneur with a keen interest in cell biology, photobiomodulation and a fascination with the mitochondria. He lives in Arizona, USA.



  1. Stroke (2024a) Mayo Clinic. Available at: (Accessed: 21 September 2024).
  2. Argibay, B. et al. (2019) Light-emitting diode photobiomodulation after cerebral ischemia, Frontiers. Available at: (Accessed: 20 September 2024).
  3. Luodan Yang a b et al. (2017) Photobiomodulation therapy promotes neurogenesis by improving post-stroke local microenvironment and stimulating neuroprogenitor cells, Experimental Neurology. Available at: (Accessed: 20 September 2024).
  4. Nairuz, T., Sangwoo-Cho and Lee, J.-H. (2024) Photobiomodulation therapy on Brain: Pioneering an innovative approach to revolutionize cognitive dynamics, MDPI. Available at: (Accessed: 20 September 2024).
  5. Moro, C. et al. (2022) The effect of photobiomodulation on the brain during wakefulness and sleep, Frontiers. Available at: (Accessed: 20 September 2024).
  6. Ghaderi AH;Jahan A;Akrami F;Moghadam Salimi M; (no date) Transcranial photobiomodulation changes topology, synchronizability, and complexity of Resting State Brain Networks, Journal of neural engineering. Available at: (Accessed: 20 September 2024).
  7. Zhang G;Yi L;Wang C;Yang P;Zhang J;Wang J;Lu C;Zhang X;Liu Y; (no date) Photobiomodulation promotes angiogenesis in wound healing through stimulating the nuclear translocation of VEGFR2 and STAT3, Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology. Available at: (Accessed: 20 September 2024).
  8. Li, X. et al. (2023) Photobiomodulation provides neuroprotection through regulating mitochondrial fission imbalance in the subacute phase of Spinal Cord Injury, Neural regeneration research. Available at: (Accessed: 20 September 2024).
  9. Cardoso, F. dos S. et al. (2022) Photobiomodulation for the treatment of Neuroinflammation: A systematic review of Controlled Laboratory Animal Studies, Frontiers. Available at: (Accessed: 20 September 2024).
  10. Mr, Hamblin. (no date) Photobiomodulation for traumatic brain injury and stroke, Journal of neuroscience research. Available at: (Accessed: 20 September 2024).
  11. Alpes, 1Université Grenoble (no date) Lights at night: Does photobiomodulation improve sleep? : Neural regeneration research, LWW. Available at: (Accessed: 20 September 2024).
  12. Tian, F. et al. (2016) Transcranial laser stimulation improves human cerebral oxygenation, Lasers in surgery and medicine. Available at: (Accessed: 20 September 2024).
  13. D W Barrett 1, F Gonzalez-Lima. (no date) Transcranial infrared laser stimulation produces beneficial cognitive and emotional effects in humans, Neuroscience. Available at: (Accessed: 20 September 2024).
  14. Nathaniel J Blanco, W Todd Maddox, Francisco Gonzalez-Lima, (no date) Improving executive function using transcranial infrared laser stimulation, Journal of neuropsychology. Available at: (Accessed: 20 September 2024).
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