Photobiomodulation at Different Wavelengths: 800nm, 850nm & 1064nm (Lasers vs LEDs)

Photobiomodulation at Different Wavelengths: 800nm, 850nm & 1064nm (Lasers vs LEDs)
Liam Pingree
Liam Pingree
Co-Founder, Business Development
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Introduction to Photobiomodulation and Wavelengths of Light

An article entitled "Photobiomodulation at Different Wavelengths Boosts Mitochondrial Redox Metabolism and Hemoglobin Oxygenation: Lasers vs. Light-Emitting Diodes In Vivo" discusses photobiomodulation (PBM), a therapeutic approach that uses light to stimulate cell function, and how it can have different effects depending on the wavelength of the light used. The authors previously examined the effects of 8 minutes of PBM by a 1064nm laser on the human forearm and found significant effects on vascular hemodynamics and cytochrome c oxidase redox activity.

Investigating the Effects of Different Wavelengths of Light on Photobiomodulation

The study aimed to investigate whether different wavelengths of lasers induced different PBM effects and whether a light-emitting diode (LED) at a similar wavelength to a laser could induce similar PBM effects.

Methodology of the Study: Two Groups of 10 Participants

The study involved two groups of 10 healthy participants who received PBM on their forearms using lasers at 800nm, 850nm, and 1064nm, as well as a LED at 810nm. A broadband near-infrared spectroscopy (bbNIRS) system was used to assess concentration changes in oxygenated hemoglobin and oxidized cytochrome c oxidase during and after PBM.

Results: Lasers at All Wavelengths Increase Hemoglobin and Cytochrome c Oxidase

The results showed that lasers at all three wavelengths enabled significant increases in oxygenated hemoglobin and oxidized cytochrome c oxidase while the 1064nm laser sustained the increases longer. The 810nm LED with a moderate irradiance induced measurable and significant rises in oxygenated hemoglobin and oxidized cytochrome c oxidase with respect to the sham stimulation on the human forearm.

Conclusion: Implications for Photobiomodulation Therapies Using LEDs

In conclusion, the study demonstrates that photobiomodulation (PBM) with lasers at 800nm, 850nm, and 1064nm, as well as a LED at 810nm, can significantly increase mitochondrial redox metabolism and hemoglobin oxygenation in the human forearm.

The results suggest that the 1064nm laser may be particularly effective for sustained increases in these parameters. Future research could explore the potential therapeutic applications of PBM using different wavelengths and parameters.

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