Exploring the Neuradiant 1070’s Brainwave Protocols

Exploring the Neuradiant 1070’s Brainwave Protocols
Liam Pingree
Liam Pingree
Co-Founder, Business Development
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Clients who have recently acquired the Neuradiant 1070 and professionals integrating it into their practice often seek guidance on the most effective protocols.

In this blog, we will provide insights into the Neuradiant 1070 device's protocols, meticulously crafted by the Neuronic research team to ensure the best results.

Neuradiant 1070’s Protocols

The Neuradiant 1070 is equipped with four pre-set programs that are based on distinct brainwave settings. Additionally, the Neuronic device offers the flexibility of custom protocols. Before exploring these features, it’s important to explain how brainwaves are measured.

Brainwaves are synchronized electrical impulses that emerge deep within our brain and are detectable on the surface of the scalp. The frequency of these impulses is the number of occurrences per second. The classification of brainwaves is primarily based on their frequency, often denoted by Greek numerals.

Electroencephalography, or EEG, is a method used to monitor and record brainwaves. It captures the synchronized electrical impulses originating deep within the brain and measures them on the scalp's surface.

The most commonly studied waveforms include delta (0.5 to 4Hz); theta (4 to 7Hz); alpha (8 to 12Hz); Beta (12 to 16Hz) and High Beta (13 to 30Hz).

Peace Program

This program utilizes a 10 Hz pulse rate and stimulates alpha brainwaves. The emergence of alpha waves is closely linked to enhanced creativity and tends to diminish when a person engages in mentally demanding tasks that require heightened concentration. Alpha brain rhythms are within 8 - 12 Hz and are often associated with feeling relaxed and peaceful. Increasing Alpha activity helps to reduce stress and anxiety and enhances creativity thus aiding in problem-solving and decision-making when balanced with low beta (14-20 Hz) activity. It has also been part of a variety of neurotherapy programs targeting improving immune health and pain management. This is a 9-minute protocol.

Focus Program

Operating at a 40 Hz pulse rate, this program provides stimulation involving gamma brain waves. Gamma waves are associated with enhanced cognitive functioning, short-term memory, and mental flexibility. Engaging in this protocol can aid in improving focus and concentration, and making the brain work in a more organized way [1].

Gamma brain waves are characterized by their relatively high frequency, typically ranging from 30 to 100 cycles per second (Hz). They are distinct in that they represent some of the highest-frequency electrical activity in the brain. When you use the Focus Program, you're effectively tuning into this advanced level of neural activity.

This heightened gamma wave activity is conducive to sharper focus, heightened attention, and concentration, enhancing your cognitive functions, and making it easier to process information, solve problems, and think critically.

The Focus protocol length is 6 minutes.

Energize Program

Designed to boost cortical blood flow, the Energize program employs a 20 Hz beta activity for 3 minutes. This increase in blood flow provides the brain with additional oxygen, which is essential for maintaining alertness and mental clarity.

In terms of frequency range, beta brainwaves typically range from 14 to 30 cycles per second (Hz) and so they are faster than alpha and theta waves but slower than gamma waves.

Beta activity is most often observed when a person is awake and engaged in cognitive tasks that require focused attention. Increased beta activity is observed when the brain is actively processing information.

By promoting efficient blood flow and oxygenation, the Energize program can help reduce mental fatigue and support sustained periods of productive mental activity.

Glow Program

The Glow program is tailored to encourage the renewal and revitalization of cellular health. By promoting increased blood flow, this program aids in the removal of waste products. Notably, this program operates at a fixed intensity of 100%, with a continuous, non-pulsing mode.

This particular program is of special significance as demonstrated in clinical research where the Neuronic device demonstrated remarkable success in alleviating Long COVID Brain Fog and general fatigue [2]. All participants reported their cognitive functioning had returned to normal or ‘better than normal’ at the completion of the month-long trial period. The study results showed significant improvement in the subjects' cognition, executive functions, processing speed, and self-reported level of improvement.

This program lasts for 10 minutes.

Custom Programs

The custom programs offer you the ability to personalize your experience by adjusting the intensity, time, and frequency of the program. This option is particularly valuable for clinicians and users seeking tailored solutions.

In summary, the Neuradiant 1070 features four pre-set programs aligned with distinct brainwave settings, along with the option for users to create custom protocols that suit their specific needs. This versatile range of programs underscores the device's capability to provide targeted and customizable experiences for enhanced brain wellness.

Why Less Is More in Light Therapy

Light therapy isn't a one-size-fits-all approach; it's a gradual process with long-term benefits. Maintaining healthy brain function and correcting brainwave patterns requires a balanced and measured approach. Applying light therapy in moderation, as recommended, allows the brain to adapt positively over time, potentially reducing cognitive decline and enhancing overall well-being.

Research has indicated that excessive exposure to light therapy doesn’t show any additional benefits [3]. The human body and brain can only absorb a limited amount of light or stimulus at any given time. Overloading the brain with too much light therapy can lead to overstimulation, counteracting therapeutic effects and potentially causing discomfort or adverse reactions.

For instance, excessive beta wave activity can be linked to heightened stress, anxiety, or overthinking, highlighting the importance of finding the right balance for mental well-being [4]. This underscores the importance of identifying a personalized "sweet spot" for each individual, a goal we actively pursue through our dedicated consultation services.

While light therapy devices are generally safe with no known side effects, they are designed with specific protocols and frequencies for precise brain stimulation. These protocols are crafted to optimize therapeutic benefits while minimizing the risk of overstimulation or side effects. Using these photobiomodulation devices as directed ensures their safety and effectiveness.

To strike this balance, it's recommended to use a maximum of two protocols a day. When starting with the device, gradually increase the session duration by no more than 2 minutes daily.

We also strongly recommend ensuring you are adequately hydrated (by drinking a glass of water) and have consumed some protein before starting your protocol.

The Primary Objective: Rebalancing Your Brainwaves

Rebalancing your brainwaves is the most essential step when you try a light therapy device because brainwaves play a fundamental role in regulating your mental and emotional states. These rhythmic patterns of electrical activity in the brain directly influence your mood, cognition, and overall well-being. When your brainwaves are in a balanced and harmonious state, you are more likely to experience mental clarity, emotional stability, and improved cognitive function.

A brain light therapy device, such as the Neuradiant 1070, leverages these specific protocols and brainwave frequencies to target and optimize brainwave activity. By doing so, it helps correct irregularities or imbalances in brainwave patterns, restoring them to their optimal state.

This correction process is crucial for several reasons. Research suggests that maintaining healthy brainwave patterns may have long-term benefits for brain health and may even reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.

In essence, correcting your brainwaves through light therapy is the foundation for unlocking the full potential of your brain. It's the first step towards achieving mental clarity, emotional balance, and cognitive excellence. Whether you're seeking to address specific cognitive challenges, reduce stress, or simply optimize your brain's performance, aligning your brainwaves is the essential starting point for achieving these goals.


[1] Zomorrodi, R., Loheswaran, G., Pushparaj, A., & Lim, L. (2019). Pulsed Near Infrared Transcranial and Intranasal Photobiomodulation Significantly Modulates Neural Oscillations: a pilot exploratory study. Scientific reports, 9(1), 6309. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-42693-x

[2] Bowen, R., R. Arany, P. (2023). Use of either transcranial or whole-body photobiomodulation treatments improves COVID-19 brain fog. Journal of Biophotonics, Volume 16, Issue 8. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jbio.202200391

[3] Virk, G., Reeves, G., Rosenthal, N. E., Sher, L., & Postolache, T. T. (2009). Short exposure to light treatment improves depression scores in patients with seasonal affective disorder: A brief report. International Journal on disability and human development: IJDHD, 8(3), 283–286. https://doi.org/10.1901/jaba.2009.8-283

[4] Díaz M., H., Maureira Cid, F., Otárola, J., Rojas, R., Alarcón, O., Cañete, L. (2019). EEG Beta band frequency domain evaluation for assessing stress and anxiety in resting, eyes closed, basal conditions. Procedia Computer Science, 162. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2913518/

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